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Использование термина passenger coach на английском
She nodded at the full-sized, fifty-five- passengercoach parked behind the last van.
It's against the rules for a dog to be taken into a passengercoach.
Again Andrews and I found ourselves in the next box car to the passengercoach containing the Rebel officers.
The train rolled into the station; he passed out, and I saw him jump aboard the front passengercoach.
The platform crowds, the negroes in particular, were mystified and lured by this animal chorus coming from a passengercoach.
The only equipment operating into Sheridan was a construction train, with an old battered passengercoach coupled to the rear.
No baggage is carried free on the Tiflis & Baku Railroad except what one takes with him in the passengercoach.
A road accident killed 21 people in Oman after a passengercoach collided with a lorry carrying livestock, it was confirmed.
The car was a passengercoach, well-lighted, and from his post on the embankment Adams could see armed men filling the windows.
One regular passengercoach-thefirst ever built-held the directors, and twenty-one improvised passenger "wagons" carried some six hundred daring individuals.
This was succeeded by a line of goods-waggons, and these by a passengercoach, one compartment of which- afirst-class-wasclosedup and sealed.
The air was stifling, yet I could not, arrayed as I was or in the company of my client, go into the regular passengercoach.
A projected line will run from there to the Mohammedan Mecca, so that soon the Moslem pilgrims will abandon the camel for the passengercoach.
Three months later, on a grey December day, Claude was seated in the passengercoach of an accommodation freight train, going home for the holidays.
The force of the collision caused the Metrolink's locomotive to telescope into the lead passengercoach by 52 feet (19 meters).
The locomotive was a diesel electric and there were eight stainless steel passengercoaches behind it.