The trait of being intensely emotional.
An irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action.
Examples for "mania "
Examples for "mania "
1 Yet the mania for building has not gone quietly into the night.
2 The near mania that once flabbergasted even emerging market specialists is gone.
3 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Marking 500 years since the dancing mania … Strasbourg.
4 Symptoms of mania or hypomania have more variable effects on work productivity.
5 Collectively known as Yeezy Season, releases have created a mania of desire.
1 The recovery of the Trimalchionian episode, and the subsequent pamphleteering would by no means eradicate this " cacoethes emendandi."
2 Among the rest she was seized with what we men call a cacoethes of the needle: "a raging desire" for work.
3 Stormed by an attack of his cacoethes scribendi, after those few blank days at Becket, Felix saw nothing amiss with his young daughter.
4 And this result of her contacts with Courtier, this ' cacoethes volandi', and feeling of clipped wings, hurt her-asbeing forbidden hurts a child.
5 If the reader will turn back to the end of the fourth number of these papers, he will find certain lines entitled, " Cacoethes Scribendi."
Musical setting of the Passion of Christ.
A strong feeling or emotion.
Другие значения термина "passion" 1 How many other countries in Europe follow US politics with such passion ?
2 What Labour needs, he said was more passion and far better organisation.
3 Government and politics is my passion ; I expect others to share it.
4 Walter's passion is for helping at-risk young people find hope and purpose.
5 His daughter said he still held a great passion for the sport.
6 They demonstrated their passion and knowledge of their local area, she said.
7 So this deal appears to be the result of a private passion .
8 Did a power of work throughout and had a bit of passion .
9 She delivered her short speech explaining her decision to challenge with passion .
10 Surviving almost 20 years in the music industry and following my passion .
11 Each represented an interest or passion shared by several hundred million voters.
12 As virtue and wickedness consist not in passion , but in action; so
13 Perhaps he really did know other things to increase a woman's passion .
14 They became instant great friends, shared a common passion for the Beatles.
15 It raises genuine passion and fervour; both of hope and of fear.
16 That's not just a gift but years of passion , focus and work.
Другие примеры для термина "passion"
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