The name given to members of the old-established upper class in ancient Rome as well as in the Middle Ages.
A member of the aristocracy.
Examples for "aristocrat "
Examples for "aristocrat "
1 Resolutely formal and courtly: the very model of the traditional Adwami aristocrat .
2 The true aristocrat is known rather than knows; he makes and serves.
3 The newcomer came forward with the quiet assurance of the born aristocrat .
4 The aristocrat lived on the land and led his men into battle.
5 In 'The New Heloise' it is the lady who is the aristocrat .
1 He is a hidalgo of blue blood in pride, pompousness and poverty.
2 Only blue blood could afford such a liberal, such an understanding attitude.
3 She was everything that blue blood ought to be-andso rarely is.
4 Despite his Italian ancestry, Edo is very much an English blue blood .
5 Then pillars of fire rose; dark blue blood gouted up in fountains.
Post-Roman European social class; a formally defined class of governing upper classes found in metropolitan areas (Venice, Florence, Genoa, Amalfi) and Free cities of Germany (Nuremberg, Ravensburg, Augsburg, Konstanz, Lindau, Bern, Basel, Zurich)
Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy.
Другие значения термина "patrician" 1 His rich brown hair lay in heavy locks; the features were patrician .
2 Instead, we lend our patrician support to HIV crises in other countries.
3 A laugh frigidly jeering; a look lazily mutinous; gentlemanlike irony, patrician resentment.
4 And Lawrence came to her in the mantle of these patrician ghosts.
5 There was something affecting in the proud woe of this grand patrician .
6 He could hear the concern in her voice, underneath the patrician professionalism.
7 He was not a patrician , according to the ideas of rich planters.
8 The tiny flame lit up for an instant the languid patrician features.
9 He created a plebeian aristocracy and blended it with the patrician oligarchy.
10 What had the patrician Jakob Schreevogl told him earlier about the meeting?
11 She blended the taste of an artist with that of a patrician .
12 Soon the religion of Judea had become a topic of patrician Rome.
13 His delicate, patrician features emphasized the mystery of his personality and action.
14 Like the true patrician that he was, he studied restraint and reserve.
15 Seeing that conviction was certain, the proud patrician avoided humiliation by suicide.
16 That illustrious patrician is released from his cherished and well acquitted duties.
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