1 The earth is peopled with dreamers; she was but one of them.
2 Up to the city gates the country is peopled by the Gallas.
3 It is peopled by the images of fabulous kings, set in stone.
4 Here was another spot in the great wilderness peopled by their thousands.
5 Nature peopled it in the beginning with Fairies, Knooks, Ryls and Nymphs.
6 And the vales and groves and streams were peopled with beauteous shapes.
7 St. Albans was no obscure priory in a remote and thinly - peopled county.
8 The Bororos firmly believed that formerly the world was peopled by monkeys.
9 My island was now peopled , and I thought myself rich in subjects.
10 Their true fold is the forest and not peopled cities and towns.
11 When the Revolutionary War began it was already well peopled with settlers.
12 Loneliness filled the afternoons, but the child peopled them with extravagant fancies.
13 I was in a hades peopled with the ghosts of Handel's operas.
14 The whole of this extent of coast appeared to be well peopled .
15 The world into which I have tumbled is peopled with strange beings.
16 In New Zealand it is, as a rule, not peopled at all.
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people Verb
Indicative · Past Indefinite
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