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Значения термина perfectly permissible на английском
Значения для термина "perfectly permissible" отсутствуют.
Использование термина perfectly permissible на английском
She eschews rhyme which, given the lexical repetition demanded by the form, seems perfectlypermissible.
Such opportunism was perfectlypermissible.
Under the rules as we play the game, such action on my part is perfectlypermissible, is it not?
A perfectlypermissible view.
I believe that is common sense, and I know it is perfectlypermissible to the most exalted faith in the Soul of our Universe.
Theories of this nature and all manner of scientific questions were, of course, perfectlypermissible to terrestrial astronomers laboring under the disadvantage of imperfect instruments.
In 2004, the introduction of the Procurement Directive explicitly clarified the fact that the use of social criteria (such as job creation) was perfectlypermissible.