We need perpetualwatchfulness lest the pillar should lift unnoticed.
What an appeal to perpetualwatchfulness.
It is a perpetualwatchfulness lest the work of life be undone, or lest a chance for the best be forfeited.
His unremitting mortifications, his extreme modesty, and perpetualwatchfulness over all his senses, preserved him from the slightest breath of contamination.
On the second day he fell into a very violent delirium, almost constantly accompanied by cries, tears, terrors, and a perpetualwatchfulness.
Omissions can never be recovered; hence the necessity of forgiveness for Christ's sake, who fulfilled every duty, and hence the necessity of perpetualwatchfulness.-Ed.
But for George's chance start for the stream, nothing but faithful old Curly's perpetualwatchfulness could have saved us from a bad mix-up that night.