The PFASchemicals are forecast to be a growing headache for many, many years to come.
The more frequently people ate popcorn, the higher their level of PFASchemicals in their blood samples.
EWG has also found toxic PFASchemicals -used in flame retardants and Teflon -in some cosmetics.
Locals told MPs that official information about the toxic PFASchemicals has been changed repeatedly and the contamination zones have kept expanding.
New data from the US shows that rainwater in some parts of the country contains PFASchemicals, though at levels under health guidelines.
Defence told the New Zealand public about the contamination with long-lasting and damaging PFASchemicals in firefighting foam, in early December last year.
The Professional Firefighters Union says FENZ is not testing enough sites for toxic PFASchemicals, and is taking too long to get started.
However, though it said it knew the new test would detect many more PFASchemicals in those foams, it did not use the method.
But the strongest association in the study revealed an antidote: The more often people ate at home, the lower their level of PFASchemicals.
Standard testing targets just 30 or so PFASchemicals, but there are hundreds of others in foam, including some that convert into PFOA over time.