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Значения термина played steadily на английском
Значения для термина "played steadily" отсутствуют.
Использование термина played steadily на английском
Meanwhile the fountains of Mr. Britling's active and encyclopædic mind playedsteadily.
The rush of air playedsteadily, and then in pulses, upon his face.
Yet she playedsteadily for the drills and gave her readings without faltering.
During the first over she playedsteadily, but did not attempt to score.
I playedsteadily on as he had instructed, the Impromptu, the Intermezzo from "Cavalleria," and Handel's Largo.
It was on this flaming flower that the search-light playedsteadily, doubtless that Oro might mark and measure its monstrous progress.
The old man's face lightened, softened, became transfigured with joy and love; but he said no word, only playedsteadily on.
The cannon playedsteadily all day, and by nightfall two breaches had been effected in the wall and the gate had been battered down.
Meantime, the electric pianoforte playedsteadily through a repertoire that had progressed from the Largo to more vivacious pieces of the American folkdance school.