A branching, hair-like structure that grows on the skin of birds and protects them against coldness and water and allows their wings to create lift.
Pattern, colour, and arrangement of a bird's layer of feathers.
Examples for "feather "
Examples for "feather "
1 She lingered a moment longer and watched Candle hold the red feather .
2 The feather in the hat of Lewis was the loadstar of victory.
3 A second experiment investigated the predictive relationship between feather - eating and plumage damage.
4 No, indeed; he was white-whiteas feather - snow new fallen in the meadow.
5 In rotating, much depends on the size and shape of the feather .
1 However, there is still debate about whether the inferred plume actually exists.
2 The breeze catches the plume in his hat and flutters it smartly.
3 In the distance, a plume of dust was billowing off the road.
4 The Captain had a sword and a white plume in his shako.
5 From somewhere in the city a black plume of smoke was rising.
The light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds.
1 A second experiment investigated the predictive relationship between feather-eating and plumage damage.
2 Handsome in the glistening summer sun sat the bird of rainbow plumage .
3 Birds of beautiful plumage inhabited the groves, and sported in the waters.
4 One example described was castrated in full winter plumage in December 1906.
5 There is one specimen, a male in full plumage , in the Museum.
6 The imperial eagle has perhaps the darkest plumage of all the eagles.
7 The general plumage is grey, with a white band across the wings.
8 In Florence the nascent swan-feathers of Anne Champneys grew into perfect plumage .
9 But it was not the plumage of the bird that interested Leon.
10 The other ladies had enough to do in keeping their plumage unsoiled.
11 Next a marsh hawk in brown plumage comes skimming over the grass.
12 Magnified over evolutionary time, their preference produced the peacocks' otherwise impractical plumage .
13 The Pope is a bird that has a red and black plumage .
14 Encumbered by their bizarre armor, they looked like animals in outlandish plumage .
15 I divested the ibis of its brilliant plumage , and ate it raw.
16 I brought both down, and they proved to be in fine plumage .
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