A punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations.
Examples for "stop "
Examples for "stop "
1 May I suggest the responsible authorities take measures to stop this problem?
2 The source said the aim was to stop weapons arriving by sea.
3 But perhaps market forces can stop crimes that law enforcement officials cannot.
4 I think we need legislation protecting good faith efforts to stop spam.
5 Toyota said there would be no need to stop production in Europe.
1 Why should the situation reach a crisis point in a valley period ?
2 The New Year period may bring about a welcome change of scenery.
3 A final vote on new regulations would follow a public comment period .
4 In the second period Carrick also helped create the Devils' second goal.
5 However, any potential move this trade period would likely come much cheaper.
1 Warwick saw them a moment later and came to a full stop .
2 Slower and slower went the car; finally came to a full stop .
3 He came to a full stop in the middle of a sentence.
4 I'm very pleased that I took the moment as a full stop .
5 Verdict The Samsung Galaxy S8 is the best smartphone available, full stop .
1 Subtract those factors and a full point would've been shaved off easily.
2 Till they are applied in these situations they lack full point and reality.
3 Treasury futures extended the bounce on Monday by climbing more than a full point .
4 That followed a full point rate cut on Saturday.
5 U.S. Treasuries futures jumped more than a full point .
Fundamental object of geometry: locus within which we can distinguish no other locus than itself.
Client software for BBS networks.
Другие значения термина "point" 1 These results therefore point to continued private sector expansion throughout the year.
2 Case in point : the current end of financial year and mid-year sales.
3 The situation in the North West is now well beyond crisis point .
4 The budget is a key point of political contention this election year.
5 A year ago, football was in crisis - up to a point .
6 However, at this point , details on its potential use cases are unknown.
7 Patients meeting all four conditions at week 16 achieved this end point .
8 Why should the situation reach a crisis point in a valley period?
9 He has to work from the physical point of view, of course.
10 Protecting devices Understanding the key risk areas is a good starting point .
11 Case in point : Dominick and Georgia Graziano of Long Island, New York.
12 At this point the work for social workers, alongside health staff, begins.
13 Five years ago, however, he realised he had reached another turning point .
14 Now, for a variety of reasons, Russia's economy has reached crisis point .
15 This is from an oil security point of view a crucial question.
16 PROJECTIONS point to tourism becoming Ireland's largest industry by the year 2000.
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