Значения для термина "pompous voice" отсутствуют.
1 It was the pompous voice he used when he was reading Bible verses.
2 A pompous voice said firmly that nobody would be so absurd.
3 The pompous voice said, We would gain time, Majesty.
4 A pompous voice came across the transmission line.
5 The adjutant strutted before us with the pride of a peacock, and in his pompous voice cried:
6 The Chairman gave his directions in a solemn, pompous voice , which was by no means usual to him when he was in good humour.
7 He read it aloud in a pompous voice , as if to let Dorothy and Billina see that he was educated and could read writing.
8 He would declaim the lines in a slow, pompous voice , and his aunt would remark after each speech, as she shredded the vegetables for dinner:
9 "These facts are completely established," said M. Tripeaud, in a pompous voice .
10 "Accept it," begged the lawyer, in a rather pompous voice .
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Это словосочетание состоит из: