Значения для термина "poor imbecile" отсутствуют.
1 If I die, you will be the mistress of my poor imbecile uncle; 'bene sit.'
2 I was sure of it! cried the poor imbecile .
3 Philippe saw the eyes of the poor imbecile roving from himself to Flore, in painful hesitation.
4 The trees were cut and scored where, as a forlorn hope, some poor imbecile had stripped the bark with the thought that it might burn.
5 Your father-poorimbecile!-believeswe ran away together.
6 "And upon the strength of the senseless words of a poor imbecile I am charged with incendiarism, with murder?"
7 "That is a question to be decided by the professional men who will have to examine the poor imbecile creature."
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