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Использование термина porcine kidney на английском
The toxicity of cefazolin was assessed by cell viability and caspase activation assays in porcinekidney endothelial cells.
Materials and methods: In vitro porcinekidneys were submerged in degassed water.
Methods: Porcinekidneys were retrieved after 25 min warm ischemia.
Conclusions: This study demonstrated the progressive effects of CI injury in DCD porcinekidneys over a 24 h hypothermic storage period.
Methods: An isolated organ preservation system, developed using cardiopulmonary bypass technology, was used to perfuse porcinekidneys with normothermic oxygenated blood.
Porcinekidneys were retrieved with 10 or 40 min warm ischaemic (WI) time and haemoperfused for 6 h on an isolated organ perfusion machine.