Значения для термина "preempt state" отсутствуют.
1 According to them, it attempts to preempt state laws that regulate chemicals.
2 Acts of Congress, treaties and the Constitution can preempt state laws.
3 In May 2009, President Obama directed agency heads not to preempt state law except where federal regulations codify preemption.
4 First, the federal law that the insurer hopes will preempt state law cannot specifically relate to the business of insurance.
5 But LeBlanc thinks the states have a strong case that the FCC lacks authority to preempt state laws over net neutrality.
6 The House version of the bill would preempt state caps on greenhouse gas emissions from 2012 to 2017.
7 The Senate version may also soften the provisions preempting state rules.
8 The administration argued that federal law preempts states from setting their own rules.
9 The vote also sought to preempt states from setting their own rules governing internet access.
10 The agency's order repealing its net neutrality rules cites a long history of preempting state law.
11 The agency concluded that federal law preempts state and local regulation of vehicle fuel economy, including California's rules.
12 Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal said he would oppose any bill that preempted state laws with a weaker federal bill, however.
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