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Значения термина presidential clemency на английском
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Использование термина presidential clemency на английском
Photo: AFP Abdul Majed was hanged in the capital Dhaka after his appeal for presidentialclemency was rejected this week.
A court earlier rejected an appeal by two Australians among the 11 against the rejection of their request for presidentialclemency.
However, the executions may be delayed if the five convicted men seek another review by the Supreme Court or request presidentialclemency.
At least two prisoners among that group of 10, a Pakistani national and an Indonesian woman, have applied for presidentialclemency, their representatives said.
It is alleged the son of former president Suharto tried to buy presidentialclemency over a corruption conviction during Mr Wahid's term in office.
Shortly before Widodo spoke, a court in Jakarta threw out an appeal by the two Australians against Widodo's rejection of their request for presidentialclemency.