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Значения термина prevent evaporation на английском
Значения для термина "prevent evaporation" отсутствуют.
Использование термина prevent evaporation на английском
The vessel it is kept in should be covered, to preventevaporation.
This will form a crust over it, and preventevaporation of the juices.
I had it dripping into a sealed beaker to preventevaporation.
Always disk the land in early spring, to preventevaporation.
The dry-farmer must consequently use all possible precautions to preventevaporation from the soil.
Keep such jars or barrels covered to preventevaporation.
Cut a circle of foil or waxed paper and press it on top of the oranges to preventevaporation.
But these plants typically grow in grasslands where there are relatively fewer trees, and no dense canopy to preventevaporation.
Then place a paper sack over the stub to preventevaporation and leave this on until the scions start into growth.
Moreover, many of the drills have attachments whereby the soil is pressed around the seed and the topsoil afterwards stirred to preventevaporation.
Very fertile are the desert plants in expedients to preventevaporation, turning their foliage edge-wise toward the sun, growing silky hairs, exuding viscid gum.
The Hopi consider sandy fields the best, for the loose sand on top acts as a natural blanket to preventevaporation from the underlying layers.
Sprouted grains of spring wheat were placed in the moist surface soil, and 1 inch of dry soil added to the surface to preventevaporation.
Heavy, thorough disking in spring or fall, or both, is advisable, for it leaves the topsoil in a condition to preventevaporation and admit air.
It follows, therefore, that the critical time for preventingevaporation is when the soil is wettest.