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Значения термина previous trauma на английском
Значения для термина "previous trauma" отсутствуют.
Использование термина previous trauma на английском
The medical history showed no complaints of previoustrauma or radiotherapy.
The prevalence of previoustrauma in people at UHR of developing psychosis is high.
Joint effusion without previoustrauma is another typical finding.
Almost all of the characters in these eight stories are lonely, troubled outsiders driven by emotions carried over from some previoustrauma.
A wide, hemorrhagic lesion occurred on the face and scalp of a 75-year-old woman who had no history of previoustrauma to the region.
This is due to loss of blood, because in this child's case, there is evidence of previoustrauma that also resulted in blood loss.
Slideshow (4 images) Such abuse reawakens previoustraumas.
Even if they did try and blame the rant on booze and previoustraumas: The accused admits that use of K-word is hurtful.
Danske Bank, which cut its forecast for annual net profit to 16-17 billion Danish crowns, from a previous 18-20 billion, has successfully overcome previoustraumas.