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Meanings of principal player in английском
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Usage of principal player in английском
Fittingly, the high drama of the last act drew the principalplayer to centre stage.
The second principalplayer, he thought.
He's had a huge influence with the group, from being a principalplayer, to artistic manager and director of operation.
The principalplayer endeavoured to behave as though under the illusion that he was alone in his glory, but he failed.
This unique seat was occupied by the principalplayer, who wore a humorous wig and a brilliant and expensive scarlet costume.
Moreover, some of the principalplayers may not be to his taste.
He said obviously Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas are the two principalplayers.
They played chamber music together and were both principalplayers in the Auckland Philharmonia.
It's very important to Tess that she learns the names of all the principalplayers.
This bore out their concern that arresting the principalplayers would cause the unknown followers to scatter.
The principalplayers had been introduced; now she just had to work out how best to exploit them.
It began quietly enough, the two principalplayers waiting, before making any bold strokes, to see how the luck should run.
It is now recognized that these disturbances in endothelial function are principalplayers in the ischemic manifestations of coronary artery disease.
But with all the principalplayers in the initiative having long since retired, no one is entirely certain of the vehicles' fates.
Members of the Risingholme Orchestra range in age from 35 to 93 with many of the principalplayers in their eighties.
A silver collection was raised from the crowd that followed the boys which, as the newspaper reported, "exceeded the numbers following the principalplayers".