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Значения термина private pique на английском
Значения для термина "private pique" отсутствуют.
Использование термина private pique на английском
It is possible, however, that Lettsom might be influenced by some privatepique.
And, under the cover of sympathy with the dismissed labourers, Mr. Preston indulged his own privatepique very pleasantly.
You will perceive that I have on no occasion sanctioned the baser motives of privatepique, envy, revenge, and love of detraction.
If the present writer joins with the latter faction, very likely a privatepique of his own may be the cause of his ill-feeling.
When differences happen in a parish, the minority must yield, and therefore through privatepique, discontent or resentment, they often conform to the establishment.
Now the Earl had a privatepique at Charles, ever since he refused to sail to Scotland with the Prince in a herring-boat, in 1744.
This is the consolation she affords to those whom malignity or folly, privatepique or unfounded positiveness, have, without the smallest foundation, loaded with calumny.
You agree to avoid privatepiques and quarrels, and to guard against intemperance and excess.
They talk of their plans, their loves, and their privatepiques, with the same ingenuous frankness.