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Значения термина proportionally larger на английском
Значения для термина "proportionally larger" отсутствуют.
Использование термина proportionally larger на английском
Beetles also grew proportionallylarger but, conversely, cockroaches didn't swell to monsters in rich oxygen levels.
Multi-day heatwaves have proportionallylarger health effects, and three days is a length that captures those impacts reasonably well, they noted.
The Humming-Bird has proportionallylarger wings than the Quail, and, when flying, his wings describe almost a complete circle in their rapid vibrations.
Furthermore, he noted that as the size of a partnership's cash distribution increases, the general partnerships cut of that cash gets proportionallylarger.
But smaller brains have a proportionallylarger corpus callosum regardless of the owner's sex, and studies of this structure's size differences have been inconsistent.
The proportionallylarger number of QTL found for meat quality traits suggests a specific opportunity for improving these traits in the pig by genomic selection.
The dose deviation determined on the basis of DCT0 and DCT50 was proportionallylarger than that determined on the basis of the 4D composite dose.