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Значения термина provoked as на английском
Значения для термина "provoked as" отсутствуют.
Использование термина provoked as на английском
War was provokedas before by the rashness of a viceroy.
I'd lost a few minutes of time during the episode her words had provokedas well.
At length he left me, as deeply provokedas myself; and he showed his anger more.
Not for years has an international game provokedas much agitation or stirred so many base feelings.
He looked a good deal provokedas she went on with her story; then very grave indeed.
They were exhibited in Paris in 1873, and provokedas much discussion there as in the United States.
Ever since the birth of industry 200 years ago, humanity's power to operate on nature has provokedas much revulsion as pride.
Nevertheless, not a few oaths escaped him, doubly provokedas he was by the composure of his tormentors, and the laughter of the surrounding spectators.
Provokedas they were at this practical joke, their position had been too ridiculous not to be amusing.