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Значения термина pubertal development на английском
Значения для термина "pubertal development" отсутствуют.
Использование термина pubertal development на английском
Conclusion: Infant and childhood stunting was associated with a later pubertaldevelopment.
Moreover, circulating leptin increases during pubertaldevelopment in rodents, human females and heifers.
Introduction: Epidemiologic data supporting the role of organochlorine pesticides in pubertaldevelopment are limited.
Children who recovered from infant or early childhood stunting had similar pubertaldevelopment as non-stunted children.
Endocrine therapies can include growth hormone, estrogen, and progestogen to promote linear growth and pubertaldevelopment.
Additional follow-up of this cohort is needed to establish the ultimate pubertaldevelopment and fertility of these patients.
When age, height and pubertaldevelopment were controlled, r became 0.54 - 0.88.
No one standard HT is suitable for all women, so general guidelines are provided to induce pubertaldevelopment.
We conclude that pubertaldevelopment has small but significant effects on the development of problem behaviour in early adolescence.
Development of problem behaviour in early adolescence was predicted from change in pubertal stage and timing of pubertaldevelopment.
Children who were stunted had later pubertaldevelopment, age at menarche and onset of growth spurt than non-stunted children.
Our findings suggest that impaired pubertaldevelopment in these patients results from a deficiency of productive WDR11 protein interaction.
Adolescents recruited greatest bilateral ventral striatum during reflected social self-evaluations, which was positively correlated with age and pubertaldevelopment.
Results: After controlling for sleep time, no differences in sedentary time were seen for puberty onset or increased pubertaldevelopment.
Sertoli cells are the epithelial cells responsible for the onset of pubertaldevelopment and maintenance of spermatogenesis in the adult.
At completion, there were again no difference in height, total body mass, pubertaldevelopment, calcium intake, or external physical activity.