In betting terms, it's akin to puttingbig money on an outside bet.
Ackman is typically passionate about his endeavors, puttingbig bets behind his theses.
Australian car companies are puttingbig dollars behind marketing and in-store experiences aimed at women.
The deal is the latest example of drug companies puttingbig bets on new Alzheimer's treatments.
The job of a lifetime it might be, but working for Torchwood is puttingbig strains on Gwen's relationship with Rhys.
Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has vowed that the state capture inquiry will begin puttingbig names on the spot from August onwards.
Work and pensions minister Stephen Crabb said companies were puttingbig investments on hold due to Britain's uncertain EU future and hazy economic outlook.
In the middle of the thick wood he kindled a charcoal-kiln, and amused himself by puttingbig burning branches and young trees into the fire.