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Значения термина quiescent phenotype на английском
Значения для термина "quiescent phenotype" отсутствуют.
Использование термина quiescent phenotype на английском
Supplementation with DHA enhanced photoreceptor survival and converted activated microglia to a quiescentphenotype.
Our data reveal for the first time that intracranial artery ECs exert an immune quiescentphenotype.
Conversely, blocking MyoD translation maintains the quiescentphenotype.
Conclusions: Induction of a quiescentphenotype of ECs associated with vascular maturation can be achieved by co-seeding with MSCs.
In conclusion, chronic UVB irradiation induces loss of HA from the dermis, thereby contributing to the quiescentphenotype of dermal fibroblasts.
In this study, we report that TSLP changes the quiescentphenotype of pulmonary macrophages toward an aaM phenotype during TSLP-induced airway inflammation.
TRPC4 is suggested to serve stimulated Ca(2+) entry in a specific endothelial state during the transition from a proliferating to a quiescentphenotype.