Dear, peaceful Bethany, never more shall I tarry in thy quietvale.
At whose feet Zurich in the quietvale
That very night the Romans landed on our shore, and the clash of steel was heard within our quietvale.
That very night the Romans landed on our shore, and the dash of steel was heard within our quietvale.
Hardly, he thought, as he sat there and gazed into the quietvale below him, so beautiful even in darkness.
A quietvale opened up before them, and in the distance a white wall was visible, which concealed Trirodov's house.
Rosamund missed it as she looked from the room of the Hermes out to the whispering evening and the quietvale of Olympia.
The view is bounded by the craggy sides of the great hills which separate this quietvale from the broad valley of the Connecticut.
Ah, the green fields, the soft grey skies, the quietvale, the brave, self-respecting, toiling millions, the beautiful sense of law and order and goodness!