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Использование термина rabies vaccines на английском
HEP-dG could be a potential candidate in the development of novel inactivated rabiesvaccines.
The vaccine was injected subcutaneously according to the then prescribed scheme for human diploid cell rabiesvaccines (HDCV).
All animals were challenged with wild-type rabies virus, followed by vaccination with either rabiesvaccines commercially available or PIKA rabiesvaccines.
The present results may help to direct future research for improving vaccine uptake and efficacy of oral rabiesvaccines under field conditions.
The chairwoman of the firm accused of falsifying data for rabiesvaccines, Changsheng Bio-technology Co Ltd, is among 15 people detained by police.
As 100% of animals survived after administration of traditional rabiesvaccines and rabies immunoglobulin, 80% of animals survived with rabies immunoglobulin alone.