Advanced emotion, feeling of intense or growing anger.
An interest followed with exaggerated zeal.
Examples for "cult "
Examples for "cult "
1 As Season 5 picks up, Masebata's cult is no longer in power.
2 The Republican parties in each state: they are a cult for Trump.
3 So Swayvill outlawed the Amber cult as heretical, for obvious political reasons.
4 The Lower Arboretum also contains some of Columbia's most diffi cult problems.
5 The Roman woman emphatically pursued the cult of beauty and personal adornment.
1 There was quite a craze for them at one time, back home.
2 During the year 1877 popular interest in the craze reached its culmination.
3 The gold craze of '49 is a never-to-be-forgotten event in our history.
4 This was just at the time when the bicycle craze came in.
5 Indeed there is something grand in the ecstatic craze of these people.
1 The less good news is that there is a new vocal fad .
2 That should ensure its new reality is more than a passing fad .
3 But whether the yogurt trend is a fad remains to be seen.
4 Harlson had an odd fad over which we had many a debate.
5 Forget talk of an SUV fashion fad or even a crossover bubble.
1 And, in the furore over access, one vital point is constantly missed.
2 He thinks the furore and the adversity have given him new resolve.
3 The move has caused a political furore which has shaken Fine Gael.
4 Her actions prompted an international furore that saw her arrest and sacking.
5 The U.S. spying furore merely adds to concerns that networks are leaky.
1 The Samoan question; furor consularis; missionary squabbles; reasonableness of Minister von Bulow.
2 The rising furor has heightened interest in how the impeachment process works.
3 Law had heard the furor and wisely escaped to the Palais Royal.
4 The publication of this belief in 1863 aroused a furor of controversy.
5 The furor over the case had died down, but everyone still remembered.
Something that is desired intensely.
Behave violently, as if in state of a great anger.
1 A new consciousness leader also knows the difference between outrage and rage .
2 In an appeal to activists, it said rage is good for recruiting.
3 Or, as usually happens, the public rage will find a new target.
4 Doing things on one's own terms is all the rage this year.
5 And this seemed a good outcome; irritants removed, the populist rage rewarded.
6 But the storm continued to rage around the ship; and they said:
7 I was in a rage with everyone; principally of course with myself.
8 Watch: Brutal road rage incident as 'victim' turns tables on his attackers
9 Activists say rage at government corruption and neglect are fuelling two insurgencies.
10 It's post-bingo cafe time, and the European Union debate continues to rage .
11 As I spoke, rage sparkled in my eyes; the magistrate was intimidated.
12 The men of the Lotus looked on in mute and helpless rage .
13 The storm and pressure of the world rage in my own heart.
14 I'm moving in toward the camera now, carried forward by my rage .
15 Moreover, the public service clashed with the personal rage of the moment.
16 Madam, -Debt forgiveness appears to be all the rage of late.
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