Something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting.
Infrequency of an item or occurrence.
A rare postage stamp edition.
Examples for "rarety "
Examples for "rarety "
1 For he was drinking, at incredible cost, liquors from Milligan's store of rareties .
2 Thus puddings became rareties , because most of us preferred to use the sugar in tea or coffee.
1 The case reported in view of rarity and at 2 years followup.
2 It was once a rarity for prime ministers to talk about education.
3 But fashions change, and rarity and quality will always be in demand.
4 Given its rarity , optimal surgical, and oncologic management is not well described.
5 But I was ordered by Time City, as a rarity of history.
6 Yet it is not so very long since tea was a rarity .
7 This sacristan has that simple keenness which is a rarity in Venice.
8 You're a rarity , for him-andhe knows that you have a future.
9 But he got the job done, and the book's quite a rarity .
10 The answer is, Because of the extreme rarity of the mountain air.
11 The rarity of political portraiture in contemporary art marks a substantial shift.
12 The rarity is the crowned cormorant, whose pairing numbers are also increasing.
13 It also preserves defined benefit pensions, now a rarity in corporate America.
14 Another rarity : it isn't segregated by gender like almost all Iraqi schools.
15 It seems to be the mere rarity that attracts the average collector.
16 It became evident from the first moment that she was a rarity .
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