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However, if g was lower, he would have taken longer to fall.
It usually bothers students that we use g as a positive number.
Gravitational Field If g is the gravitational field, things work out better.
We found that the gPPI approach improved model fit compared to sPPI.
Allele frequency shifts due to gBGC mimic the effects of natural selection.
Использование термина rated g на английском
The DVD is not rated in the U.S. and ratedG in Canada.
Girlfriend into your inner circle, you tacitly agreed to keep things on your profile ratedG-orat least PG-13
Th assignment of cases could be differentiated so that complex cases with more utilization of resources were allocated to higher ratedG-DRGs and vice versa.
Recent research cited by the nonprofit group American Legacy said tobacco was featured in 75 percent of movies ratedG, PG and PG-13.