Значения для термина "received no compensation" отсутствуют.
1 As a slave the black man received no compensation for his labor.
2 For the labours of their lives they have received no compensation at all.
3 The majority of slave holders, who received no compensation , joined the party of independence.
4 For these services they received no compensation other than the use of their lands.
5 He received no compensation for his losses, no reward for his sacrifices and services.
6 Four years have been devoted to my country, for which I have received no compensation .
7 He has received no compensation .
8 He also compared the Spanish operators of YPF and Aerolineas Argentinas, who received no compensation after the airline was expropriated.
9 They received no compensation .
10 The review contains only my honest personal views, and I have received no compensation other than the sample itself.)
11 They said they will take them to the slaughterhouse and kill them there, she added, saying she had received no compensation .
12 He was completely vindicated; his estate was restored to him; but he received no compensation either for his services or his losses.
13 Of course I received no compensation for my services at Haight & Foster's, but that was the customary rule with all students.
14 But since then, nobody has come to develop the land and the family has received no compensation for it, noted her husband, Isaac.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Это словосочетание состоит из: Received no compensation через время