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Значения термина rejected pressure на английском
Значения для термина "rejected pressure" отсутствуют.
Использование термина rejected pressure на английском
Valletta had rejectedpressure from Rome on Friday to rescue them.
As a consequence, Kenya Airways has rejectedpressure to suspend its flights to the Ebola-hit states of West Africa.
Germany rejectedpressure again on Wednesday to put troops in the south, saying extra forces would go only to the north.
The State's chief medical officer Tony Holohan has rejectedpressure from some Government Ministers to accelerate the relaxation of coronavirus restrictions.
Hamas angered Assad last year when it rejectedpressure from the Syrian leader to hold a rally in his support in Damascus.
Malta had rejectedpressure from Rome on Friday to rescue them, but said on Saturday it was ready to host 50 asylum seekers.
India's finance minister Pranab Mukherjee rejectedpressure from the Obama administration to join the sanctions given New Delhi's massive dependence on Iranian hydrocarbon imports.