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Значения термина religious ideology на английском
Значения для термина "religious ideology" отсутствуют.
Использование термина religious ideology на английском
But religiousideology is deeply intertwined with social justice issues.
All voters irrespective of religiousideology were looking for moral clarity in this election.
Three scholars, in particular, have had an outsized influence on Islamic State's religiousideology.
In the early stages of western civilization, religiousideology took precedence over secular ideology.
It was a process that, refreshingly, was as much about administrative policy as religiousideology.
In other cases, notably Roman civilization and western civilization, religiousideology was subordinated to secular interests.
In some cases religiousideology took precedence, resulting in a theocratic society under the leadership of religious devotees.
Political and religiousideology are as much a part of the activities at both camps as traditional fun and games.
Campaigns appealing to national pride had replaced religiousideology, notably after the election of reformist president Mohammad Khatami in 1997.
Unlike the other areas of the Oikumene at this time, the Middle East did not adopt a broadly united religiousideology.
Because it's run by a 20-year-old college student in Oklahoma, the site possesses a quirky humor and exuberance not usually associated with religiousideology.
Those who did prefer not to be called victims -they're "survivors" who witnessed first hand the dark side of Australia's hidden radical religiousideology.
Religious studies Prof. Douglas Pratt from University of Waikato on one's faith in God or gods - Islamic State and religiousideology.