Значения для термина "return to supper" отсутствуют.
1 As the colonel did not return to supper , they, the family party, had their tea in Clara's room.
2 Fabio intended to have an explanation with Muzzio immediately after supper; but his strange guest did not return to supper .
3 Fabio had intended to have an explanation with Muzio directly after supper, but his strange guest did not return to supper .
4 But when he did not return to supper she began to droop and become pale like a flower growing in too dense a shade.
5 Dr. M-- returned to supper with me, and gave me some useful information.
6 After their singing they returned to supper at the Mission before retiring to rest.
7 I returned to supper , at which were Principal Robertson, Mr Nairne, and some other gentlemen.
8 In an evening, we frequently took long walks from Oxford into the country, returning to supper .
9 On returning to supper , Mr. Liversedge found his wife and Denzil in conversation with Eustace Glazzard.
10 On the 25th he had called and taken them out, but they had not returned to supper .
11 On January 2, 1894, M. Fricot returned to supper after administering the extreme unction to a parishioner.
12 When Mr. Benny returned to supper he forbore from alluding to the incident until Hester-hertrouble still unconfided-shookhands with him for the night.
13 She did them up again with trembling fingers, and that night when George returned to supper , he found his mother in the dark, crying.
14 "Well, Paul," asked his mother, when he returned to supper , "have you found anything to do yet?"
15 Here they had sojourned for the last few days, sketching, boating, roaming about the country from sunrise, and returning to supper and bed at nightfall.
16 "He was not; and his mother had become rather anxious because he did not return to supper , " replied Corny, becoming a little more pliable.
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