John did not feel like waiting so long for the gratification of his revengefulfeelings.
Blackall stood on one side, eyeing with revengefulfeelings the success which attended Ernest wherever he moved.
He withdrew without speaking; and took his way home with a heart full of bitterness and revengefulfeelings.
This man nursed revengefulfeelings.
How often do we indulge in resentful, revengefulfeelings, with all of which hatred more or less mixes itself?
I thought he would throw himself into my service out of revengefulfeelings towards the prince, the sly little beast!
But he treasured up revengefulfeelings in his heart and resolved that at some time or other he would dreadfully punish her.
The Quakers, whose revengefulfeelings were not less deep because they were inactive, remembered this man and his associates, in after times.
They must be extraordinary indeed, if they could form a check, either of justice or humanity, upon the revengefulfeelings of Edward.
I was on the beach at the time when an immense party, well armed, came for the express purpose of satiating their revengefulfeelings.
These chiefs exerted their utmost influence to allay the revengefulfeelings of the young men, and to avert their sanguinary designs, but without effect.
If unworthy passions, or selfish, bitter, or revengefulfeelings, contempt, dislike, hatred, enter here, they are intruders and not welcome, strangers uninvited, and not guests.