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Значения термина rhythmical breathing на английском
Значения для термина "rhythmical breathing" отсутствуют.
Использование термина rhythmical breathing на английском
This will be further explained in connection with rhythmicalbreathing.
He listened, and thought he could discern the rhythmicalbreathing of a person asleep.
Miss Dalrymple did not stir; a bunch of bizarre-looking orchids on her gown moved to her even rhythmicalbreathing.
I am experimenting with Hindu deep breathing, rhythmicalbreathing, in which the lady who runs this hospital is an adept.
I myself, lulled by the rhythmicalbreathing of the healthy and the dying man, must have nodded a little later.
After practicing relaxation in this manner, lie down for a few minutes' rest-ifcircumstances permit-orpractice rhythmicalbreathing (see Chapter Twenty-Eight).
He slept every night at the foot of my bed, and very soothing it was to hear his deep rhythmicalbreathing in the darkness.
He knows that by rhythmicalbreathing one may bring himself into harmonious vibration with nature, and aid in the unfoldment of his latent powers.