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Значения термина rocky precipice на английском
Значения для термина "rocky precipice" отсутствуют.
Использование термина rocky precipice на английском
Levi was beneath the rockyprecipice, and could not see him.
A number of gods came to raise a rockyprecipice right between the village and the ocean.
If the unnamed man survives the fall down a rockyprecipice, he will be hanged, legal experts said.
A long flight of steps leads down to a secure footing between the rockyprecipice and the falling torrent.
In a short time Mr. Waterman led them out onto a bold rockyprecipice that stood out from the mountain.
My eyes fell at first upon the three windows at the farther end, looking out upon the sheer rockyprecipice.
M. d'Escorval was falling from a height of fifty feet; he was hurled down to the foot of the rockyprecipice.
A few miles from No-foo-gong and a rockyprecipice towers up on the west shore, something like a thousand feet high.
Finally we passed "Rogers' Slide," which is a rockyprecipice three hundred feet high, sloping nearly perpendicularly into the water.
It was a beautiful spot of open ground, between the thick woods on one side, and a broken, rockyprecipice on the other.
On the other side was a rockyprecipice, rising abruptly to a considerable height, and then sloping off towards the summit of the mountain.
We were following an Indian trail which led along the steep rockyprecipice- ablackridge along the western shore holding out no prospect whatever.
But great was their surprise and gratification to see the cavern was quite light, by the rays penetrating innumerable small fissures in the rockyprecipice.
Rockyprecipices frown upon the swift tidal current that rushes past their bases.
On one side is the salt ocean, on the other the rockyprecipices of the mountains.
As I walked up the track the rockyprecipices of the mountains narrowed to form a gorge.