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Eczema, roseola, elephantiasis, presented a long array of doleful victims.
Dauboeuf, Garraway, Hemming, Skinner, and Cobner mention roseola and scarlatiniform erythema after minute doses of quinin.
The abdomen is now inflated, the buttocks show small, light red spots,-theso-called "roseola,"-whichare characteristic of abdominal typhus.
When examined these ulcers presented the peculiarities of chancres, and there was upon the body of the patient a well-marked syphilitic roseola.
Idyia roseola; one of our Ctenophorae: a, anal aperture; b, radiating tube; c, circular tube; d, e, f, g, h, rows of locomotive fringes.
In some instances the ingestion of opium provokes an eruption in the form of small, isolated red spots, which, in their general character, resemble roseola.
There were the heads eaten away by eczema, the foreheads crowned with roseola, and the noses and mouths which elephantiasis had transformed into shapeless snouts.
Any herpes virus will do, including HHV6 and HHV7, viruses that cause a nearly universal childhood infection sometimes called roseola.