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Значения термина rowdy bunch на английском
Значения для термина "rowdy bunch" отсутствуют.
Использование термина rowdy bunch на английском
A rowdybunch of uniformed marines shoves past us on the moving walkway, running.
He conducts the rowdybunch back on.
Fists went flying and water bottles were thrown before the rowdybunch were kicked to the kerb.
The man was about to turn away when a large group of construction workers rounded the corner in a rowdybunch.
The Shanahans were a large, rowdybunch, and sitting on his mother's couch surrounded by the commotion felt like coming home.
Befitting their reputation as a rowdybunch, Cook County Circuit Court Judge Jean Prendergast Rooney scolded some for talking while witnesses were testifying.
"Your relatives sound like a rowdybunch," I teased.