An eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil.
Examples for "rubber "
Examples for "rubber "
1 Officers used water cannon, teargas and rubber bullets, a police spokesman said.
2 Makers of rubber and plastic products are especially likely to consider re-shoring.
3 Power is concentrated in the presidency, with parliament seen as a rubber - stamp .
4 There are a good number of lambs ready for the rubber ring.
5 However, controversy reigned yesterday when Finland refused to play the fifth rubber .
1 He uses a pencil eraser to point out the light-colored blemishes.
2 So winter tires, much softer rubber, like a pencil eraser almost.
3 Nick turned the pad around and tapped the pencil eraser at the name.
4 The head, no bigger than a pencil eraser , dropped into a tiny basket.
5 Walking to lunch, he found his pockets stuffed full of jet-black pencil eraser rubbings.
1 She is a sphinx, with a rubber eraser in place of a tail.
2 A patch of her throat had a minute roughness like the crumbs from a rubber eraser .
3 In front of him are steel pens, India rubber eraser , blotting paper, rubber bands, a telephone.
4 A boy places a rubber eraser , or any small object, on the desk of a girl.
5 Eventually he would press finer layers of rubber eraser onto the clay to build the face.
6 It is made of second-growth hickory, and has a brass ferrule and a rubber eraser on the end.
7 I gathered scalpel, ruler, glue, and a two-foot length of rubber eraser material and set them on my worktable.
8 Before his psychoanalysis, chef Mario Spinell was terrified of clams and experimented with certain "clam substitutes" including little rubber erasers .
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for rubber eraser