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Значения термина said the haul на английском
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Использование термина said the haul на английском
They saidthehaul also included a quantity of gunpowder.
Security sources saidthehaul contained all of the elements needed to manufacture 12 million cigarettes.
A police spokesperson saidthehaul was the second-biggest border seizure of drugs in New Zealand history.
Gardaí saidthehaul had an estimated street value of €400,000.
Commodore John Campbell saidthehaul was a great outcome for international security and a massive achievement for the Te Kaha crew.
Det Insp Tony Fennessy saidthehaul was "one of the largest finds of Semtex in the State in recent years".
A military source saidthehaul included rocket-propelled grenades, missile and rocket launchers, missile tubes, surface-to-air missile launchers, spare parts and other heavy weapons.
The Revenue's Customs Service saidthehaul would have lead to a potential loss to the Exchequer of €1.65 million.