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Использование термина sales associate на английском
The alleged ringleader was Devin Bazile, a former Apple salesassociate.
As the salesassociate and tailor fussed over her, Tina soaked up the attention.
He's just this totally cute number, a slick-haired junior salesassociate who drives a Porsche.
The only additional point that needs to be made is that it isn't the salesassociate's fault.
All my investments are down, said Coyne, who has been a Saks Inc salesassociate for 31 years.
Another salesassociate said he got a tongue lashing from LeVar Burton, presenter of Reading Rainbow and a member of the Star Trek crew.
A White customer at a Macy's in Dallas, Texas was recorded going on a racist tirade against an Arabic-speaking salesassociate on Christmas Eve.
Crowds descended on the California store after word emerged it had sold a winning ticket, with excited customers snapping pictures and congratulating the salesassociate.
However, any client salesassociate who worked in New York state for Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney since July 29, 2005 can file.
Salesassociated with distressed properties or loans accounted for 12 percent of total U.S. sales, the report said.
"Referred by Amy Campbell?" Colette read the annotation made by the My Alibi salesassociate.