Tool used to cut through wood or other materials.
A condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people.
A power tool for cutting wood.
1 However, July and August still saw millions of employees left without work.
2 The second year we saw quite a bit of improvement, he said.
3 Iberia and emerging markets including eastern Europe and India saw double-digit growth.
4 Last year saw Harry increasingly focus on the issue of climate change.
5 The days and weeks that followed saw mass withdrawals of food products.
6 It's been five months since I saw my family,' the official said.
7 Mr Eichel said he saw no problem with the euro's recent decline.
8 In March, Beijing backed stricter UN sanctions; September saw another nuclear test.
9 Asia ex-Japan and Europe, Middle East & Africa funds saw modest inflows.
10 He said he saw a threat of a new nuclear arms race.
11 Over the past year, the fund saw strength in the financial sector.
12 November last year saw the first exchange of fire in seven years.
13 This past week saw three organisations kick-start in three countries, including Ireland.
14 That tinkering saw the support for 'yes' drop to 49 per cent.
15 Last year saw the rise of the Data Prices Must Fall movement.
16 He is sceptical of any peaceful solution and saw more violence ahead.
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