Значения для термина "say meth" отсутствуют.
1 Ross Bell from the Drug Foundation says the Government is right to say meth use is falling.
2 She said meth was a factor in a number of those cases.
3 Police Minister Inia Seruiratu said meth had found its way into the region.
4 Mr Thomson said meth contamination was becoming a major concern for property buyers.
5 Police Commissioner Mike Bush says meth is still a very serious issue in New Zealand.
6 She said meth was easily available and its use was destroying families and causing more crime.
7 He said meth addicts were hurting their families.
8 A billboard behind her said meth = death.
9 Photo: 123rf The Regional Economic Development Minister, Shane Jones, said meth use was killing regional New Zealand.
10 He said meth use was a big problem on the East Coast and had taken a tremendous toll.
11 Ms Warren-Clark said meth - related violence had caused a tremendous amount of work - not to mention devastation for the affected families.
12 Ricky Houghton, manager of He Korowai Trust, said meth use was rampant in the community and a local rehab facility was needed.
13 Waikato DHB's Clinical Director for Alcohol and Drug Services, Tejpal Singh, says meth is placing a huge strain on medical staff and resources.
14 The ministry has now made new recommendations saying meth must be found at three to four times higher than the level currently being used.
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