Значения для термина "scant cup" отсутствуют.
1 Beat thoroughly, add one scant cup of potato flour, and beat again.
2 Add one scant cup of sugar and rounded teaspoonful of butter.
3 Add a scant cup of sugar and one-half cup of salt.
4 Press through a sieve one pint of stewed pumpkin, add four eggs and a scant cup of sugar.
5 Lift them out, and thicken the stew with three dessertspoonfuls of flour, wet with a scant cup of water.
6 One cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, four eggs, scant cup water, two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder.
7 Now add one scant cup of rice, stirring constantly, and into this put a pinch of saffron that has been bruised.
8 Beat the white of an egg stiff with scant cup of sugar, and stir into the melted chocolate and spread with a knife.
9 Drain, add cream (a scant cup to a quart of okra), a tablespoon of butter, and salt and pepper to taste.
10 As soon as it boils pour in, little by little, one-half scant cup of fine Indian meal, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
11 Two eggs beaten separately, 1 scant cup of milk, 1 tablespoonful of flour, 6 clams run through a food-chopper.
12 Use 1 scant cup of liquid to 1 good cup of flour, usually, for "Griddle Cake" batter.
13 Whites of six eggs, two cups white sugar, one cup butter, one cup sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, three scant cups flour.
14 Two scant cups sugar, two eggs, one-half cup sour cream or sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, season with nutmeg, flour enough to roll out.
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