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Значения термина scattered cottages на английском
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Использование термина scattered cottages на английском
The smoke of two or three scatteredcottages rises here and there.
From the few scatteredcottages and farms in sight, flags were fluttering out.
The gorge widened into a valley, where there were scatteredcottages, cows, sheep, and goats.
Behind our position stood the old ruined chateau, and beyond it one or two scatteredcottages.
He took them far-pastthe great marshes, between miles of bared hedges, past farms and scatteredcottages.
Beyond Mason streets ran the trail westward to the Presidio, past scatteredcottages, sheds, dairies and vegetable gardens.
He walked a few yards beyond the manager's house, and turned down a side street lined with scatteredcottages.
The lights were so few and far apart that they would hardly have done for scatteredcottages in our world.
And only a few scatteredcottages are located near by, so we shall be quite by ourselves and wholly unmolested.
Here they abode for a fortnight, Ronald going up every two or three days to purchase provisions at the scatteredcottages.
He had left the forest; a farmhouse stood before him, and the whitened roofs of scatteredcottages sloped to the tranquil sky.
The high trees, the small, scatteredcottages, the two taverns, the one tall house had the look of standing up in water.
Plantations, parks, gentlemens' seats, glens deep and grand, fir-clad mountains, villages, hamlets and scatteredcottages made up the features of every changing view.
Back in shore were a few scatteredcottages, and not yet opened for the summer, and on the ocean side was the pounding surf.