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Medallions with indecipherable scutcheons crumbled over a great gate.
The deck was ablaze with pennons and scutcheons.
These were Emmanuel's captains; these their standard-bearers, their colours, and their scutcheons; and these the men under their command.
A long procession of flambeaux and friars; no plumes, trophies, banners, led horses, scutcheons, or open chariots; nothing but
Pedigrees as long, and scutcheons as old, were to be found out of the House of Lords as in it.
That augmentation, adopted from the shield of Charles of Anjou, occurs upon the scutcheons of many Guelf houses and cities.
The pillars were stately, and hung with scutcheons; the arches were lofty and magnificent; the floor was lettered with funeral inscriptions.
These were his captains, and these were their forces, these were their standards, these were their colours, and these were their scutcheons.
The scutcheons on the harness were of silver, as were also the buttons of the servants' livery, which was blue with white collars.
These axe-men were pioneers of an advancing host,-advancing ,itis true, with feeble and uncertain progress: priests, soldiers, peasants, feudal scutcheons, royal insignia.
He had a cloister, a chapel, a round tower, a gallery, a "refectory," a stair-turret with Gothic balustrade, stained windows, mural scutcheons, and Gothic paper-hangings.
He had assisted his brother John at the sign-painting, and had done several creditable little things in drawing 'scutcheons on coach-doors for the gentry.
Burning bare them, and his scutcheon was the blue and stinking flame.
Restless bare them, and his scutcheon was the ghastly picture of death.
He could show no legitimate scutcheon; but this was a small matter.
Lily Bell was to Margaret Hamilton a blot on the boy's scutcheon.