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Использование термина seasonal allergic rhinitis на английском
Hay fever, or seasonalallergicrhinitis, affects thousands of Irish people.
Also known as seasonalallergicrhinitis, it is caused by an allergy to pollen in grasses, hay and trees.
Conclusions: Montelukast alone or in combination with loratadine is well tolerated and provides clinical and quality-of-life benefits for patients with seasonalallergicrhinitis.
Background: Allergen immunotherapy (desensitization) by injection is effective for seasonalallergicrhinitis and has been shown to induce long-term disease remission.
Background: Antihistamines effectively treat seasonalallergicrhinitis (SAR), although the ability of this drug class to reduce nasal congestion is limited.
Background: Seasonalallergicrhinitis is often regarded as a trivial condition which patients should treat themselves.
Seasonalallergicrhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever, seems to be arriving earlier each year.
Seasonalallergicrhinitis (SAR) is an optimal disease model for the study of DNA methylation because of its well-defined phenotype and etiology.