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Значения термина second finding на английском
Значения для термина "second finding" отсутствуют.
Использование термина second finding на английском
Under its terms, and under a secondfinding drawn up a few weeks later, Casey was the man ultimately responsible for the arms-for-hostages deal.
A secondfinding was that when the tasks were performed poorly, authenticity of the smile didn't make much of a difference in reported satisfaction.
The conference rules prevent me from discussing any non-published research, so the secondfinding, I'm afraid, will have to wait until the results are published.
He lunged forward, grabbed his adversary, and slashed twice, up and across, meeting only air, and then another two slashes forward, the secondfinding flesh.
Then came the secondfinding of the empty schooner.... Captain Parkinson, they must have been brave men who faced the unknown terrors of that prodigy.