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That age introduces a massive generalisation of the confessional principle, now completely secularised.
A half-Christianised world and a more than half-secularised Church get on well together.
We have been living on this secularised idealism for a hundred and fifty years.
Following the example of the French, Egyptian rulers secularised by disempowering and impoverishing the clergy.
In 1813 the Spanish Cortes issued a decree that the missions in Texas should be secularised.
The only reformation for an effete or secularised church is in its return to the Bible.
Music, dancing and drama have not been secularised as in the West...
It doesn't have much in common with the festive fun of our modern, highly secularised and commercial Christmas.
THE use of euthanasia in some secularised western societies has been criticised by the Catholic Primate, Dr Daly.
Today, the bells we now hear in the secularised West are not so much church bells but mobile ringtones.
During the eighteenth century the Church lands were secularised, and the serfs of the Church became serfs of the State.
Europe is taken to be the exemplar of secularised modernity, in which religion is restricted to the sphere of private belief.
This, considering the secularised nature of the discourse into which the Taoiseach was seeking to advance his analysis, was radical stuff.
This accomplished, resentment extinguished, habits formed, the laws in operation, the frontiers protected, the clergy secularised, the aristocracy humbled, the dictatorship could terminate.
It was thoroughly secularised by a series of worldly and vicious pontiffs, who had clean forgotten what their title, Vicar of Christ, implied.
How tiny is the area of our lives that is already secularised, compared to everything that is still governed, regulated and shaped by religion!'