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Meanings of send a shockwave in английском
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Usage of send a shockwave in английском
In normal times, a catastrophic slide in the pound would sendashockwave through Westminster.
The blow sentaShockwave up her spine and into her head.
The incident has sentashockwave through Italian rugby.
His words sentashockwave through my system.
When terror struck in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday it sentashockwave around the world.
The carnage sentashockwave through the nation, where violent crime is rare due to strict gun control.
This time when his hand touched her breast, the contact was electric, sendingashockwave through her body.
Covid-19 has sentashockwave through the world - we've been forced to alter so many aspects of our lives.
The missive sentashockwave through Google, which ultimately fired Damore, and prompted much internal discussion over the company's diversity efforts.
The engine sets off a detonation using the usual means-fuel ,oxygen ,pressure ,heat-which sendsa shockwave chasing itself through the cylindrical loop.
He was bringing the submachine gun to bear when Kim pushed past him and sentashockwave surging through the narrow passageway.
The first plume of smoke was then suddenly consumed by a massive fireball and white cloud, sendingashockwave scudding across the city.